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April CARE Team Member of the Month

Meet Danielle Jean, Red Watch Band CARE Team member of the month! Danielle leads the Team Development -CARE Team working group. Her dedication to the mission of Red Watch Band is seen through her amazing work in creating the various RWB educational material seen across campus. 

Major: Biology

Hobbies: playing league of legends, visiting new restaurants, listening to bible studies and sleeping

Why She joined the CARE Team: I joined the CARE team because I wanted to make a positive impact on the people around me. The statistic of deaths due to toxic drinking should be zero, and I believe that the RWB CARE Team is an organization making effective and influential strides towards achieving that goal. The amazing friendships I've gained and the smart, dedicated people I've met have been a sweet bonus. 

Biography: I am an Office Assistant at the Residential Safety Program and a student researcher at the Department of Neuroscience. I am a lover of all things food, fun, friend and family, so my time is often spent indulging in one of those things. My long term goal in life is to leave a positive and lasting impact on the people around me, and I am a firm believer that each one of us possesses the ability to change the world. The RWB CARE Team has given me many wonderful opportunities to learn how to positively affect people around me, and I know for sure that even after I graduate, I'll keep my red watch on. 

April CARE Team Member of the Month